Maneuvering a large sailing yacht
We invite you to an intensive, four-day sailing yacht maneuvering course, designed for sailors who want to improve their skills in port maneuvers, anchoring and other advanced navigation techniques.
Why choose our course?
Intensive practical training: Daily, multi-hour exercises on a 45-51 foot yacht, typical for sea charters.
Small training groups: We provide intimate groups of max 4 people, which allows the instructor to approach each participant individually and maximizes the effectiveness of learning.
Experienced instructor: Captain Aleksy Duchnowski, a skipper with extensive experience in various waters, has over 30,000 nautical miles sailed, ready to share practical tips and sailing tricks.
The course program includes:
Port Manoeuvres: Approaching and departing from the quay in various ways, manoeuvring in tight port spaces, using mooring lines and springs.
Anchoring Techniques: Choosing the right place to anchor, techniques for dropping and hauling the anchor, dealing with emergencies such as dragging the anchor or jamming it.
Navigation and Voyage Planning: Navigation workshops, route planning, analysis of weather conditions and their impact on safety of navigation.
Obecnie oferujemy szkolenia w dwóch formatach: tygodniowa Å›ródziemnomorska manewrówka w Chorwacji oraz warsztaty kapitaÅ„skie na Zatoce GdaÅ„skiej. JeÅ›li jesteÅ› zainteresowany jednÄ… z opcji, daj nam znać, a my wyÅ›lemy Ci szczegóÅ‚owe informacje dotyczÄ…ce treÅ›ci kursu, rozbicia cen i szczegóÅ‚ów Å‚odzi.
Terminy: 20-23 Marzec 2025 (4 dni)
Miejsce: Zatoka GdaÅ„ska – szkolenie rozpoczyna siÄ™ w marinie w GdaÅ„sku, trenujemy w Sopocie i/lub Gdyni 🇵🇱
Jacht: Bavaria 45
Cena kursu: Cena za osobę wynosi 2900 zł
Dates: 08-11 May 2025
Location: Gdańsk Bay - training starts at the marina in Gdańsk, we train in Sopot and/or Gdynia.
Course value: Price per person starts at PLN 2,900
I started my sailing adventure with inland cruises, exploring Masuria, which gave rise to a great passion for water, wind and the lifestyle that sailing gives. The beginning of sea expeditions is primarily the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. It was the northern seas of Europe that shaped me as a sailor and as a person.
However, the last few years have definitely been the warm waters of the Mediterranean, Croatia and Greece have become a second home, and sailing a way of life.
After sailing over 40,000 nautical miles, I am very happy to share my knowledge and spread my passion for sailing.
Certificates: RYA Yachtmaster Offshore, PZÅ» Yacht Captain, LRC, STCW